Innovate Fulton, Inc.

Innovate Fulton, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) grassroots Community Development Corporation created to revitalize the business district in Richmond, Virginia's Greater Fulton community.




Our Neighborhoods

The Innovate Fulton commercial district is in Fulton Hill in the Greater Fulton neighborhood of Richmond, Virginia. Greater Fulton is composed of three traditionally underserved neighborhoods: Historic Fulton (previously known as Fulton), Fulton Hill and Montrose Heights.

The Greater Fulton Commercial District - The Innovate Fulton Target District

The Greater Fulton Commercial District is located near the intersection of Government and Williamsburg Roads.

Artist’s rendition of the original Fulton neighborhood as seen from atop Chimborazo Hill.

Artist’s rendition of the original Fulton neighborhood as seen from atop Chimborazo Hill.

Brief History

The original Fulton neighborhood was a thriving community of homes, businesses and churches. It was demolished as part of an urban renewal project in the 1970s - almost no trace of the original structures remain. More than 800 homes, businesses and churches were destroyed, and the families who lived in them displaced. Today, a development colloquially referred to as the “solar homes” sits on the site, as well as a variety of other suburban-style homes.

Looking Back in Time

Intersection of Government and Williamsburg Roads - circa 1950s.

Intersection of Government and Williamsburg Roads - circa 1950s.

Looking west down Government Road from intersection of Government and Williamsburg Roads - circa 1950s.

Looking west down Government Road from intersection of Government and Williamsburg Roads - circa 1950s.