Our Neighborhoods
The Innovate Fulton commercial district is in Fulton Hill in the Greater Fulton neighborhood of Richmond, Virginia. Greater Fulton is composed of three traditionally underserved neighborhoods: Historic Fulton (previously known as Fulton), Fulton Hill and Montrose Heights.
The Greater Fulton Commercial District - The Innovate Fulton Target District
The Greater Fulton Commercial District is located near the intersection of Government and Williamsburg Roads.
Brief History
The original Fulton neighborhood was a thriving community of homes, businesses and churches. It was demolished as part of an urban renewal project in the 1970s - almost no trace of the original structures remain. More than 800 homes, businesses and churches were destroyed, and the families who lived in them displaced. Today, a development colloquially referred to as the “solar homes” sits on the site, as well as a variety of other suburban-style homes.